Unit & Branch Grants
What are Community, Unit & Branch Support (CUBS) Grants?
The REA Community, Unit and Branch Support Grant (CUBS) Grant is made available from the REA’s Reserves to support aspirational products/initiatives of Community, Units and Branches which lack the necessary funding from public funds. The REA has supported a variety of Communities, Units and Branches located all over the UK and the rest of the world.
Guidance & Procedures
Guidance and procedures are currently being updated.
Eligibility & principles on which grants are provided
- Any RE Unit or REA Branch may submit an application for a CUBS Grant.
- The anticipated expenditure MUST satisfy the objects of the charity.
- Grants are normally only provided for tangible assets.
- Grant requests that promote the ‘esprit de corps’, as well as a spirit of comradeship and service amongst all members of the Corps, will take priority.
- Bids to support events will be considered and support for these should outline the impact of the event, and the numbers involved in said event.
- Grants are to be used for the collective welfare of a Branch or Unit and may not be expended on individuals or their families as a means of charity of supplementing their pay.
- UBSG are for discrete projects and will not be granted for any long-term commitment. Grants are also not to be used for running or maintenance costs, fees/licenses, travel, subsistence, accommodation, equipment hire etc.
- Grants for expeditions, which are supported by Adventurous Training Funds, will not normally be provided. These are separate from the REA and can be obtained through the Ballard Grant for extreme expeditions.
- Applications for equipment or clothing which should be fully funded by the unit/MOD will not be considered.
NOTE: A Unit/Branch contribution must form a part of the overall funding of a project/initiative for which a grant is sought. It is essential that each application demonstrates that additional sources of funding have been explored and the total funds from alternative sources should be stated. There are many charities and sources of funding Units and branches are encouraged to explore these to ensure that we can support as many applications as possible.
Operational Tour Grant –
The Royal Engineer Association Board has decided that Units deploying on operational tours can apply for a one-off grant of up to £5,000 and that sub-Units deploying independently may also bid for grant funding up to £2,500. To apply complete this form and send to HQREA.
How to Apply for a UBSG
All applications must be submitted to the REA Fund Manager by applying below. We ask that all applications are as clear and concise as possible.
Click the ‘Apply Now’ button below to complete the application form.